03/05/2022 -DISH Wireless Selects Samsung Electronics for 5G Open Radio Access Network Rollout

Inatel passa a ter o único laboratório do TIP no hemisfério Sul capaz de realizar testes em situações real de uso do Open RAN

15/03/2022 - Press release - Mavenir is Automating Large-Scale Open RAN Deployments with IBM
Together, Mavenir and IBM plan to integrate network automation products to accelerate and automate the large-scale deployment of Open RAN. The collaboration will incorporate Mavenir’s Open RAN and Core portfolios with IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation. By using large-scale automation and AI across every step of the deployment and management process, the goal of this collaboration is to enable 5G operators to deploy Open RAN base stations faster than traditional base stations.

14/12/2021 - Press release - Vodafone and Mavenir Complete First Call Over Containerized Open RAN Solution
Vodafone and Mavenir complete first data and VoLTE call on 4G small cell Open RAN solution at Vodafone lab in Newbury. Demonstration of true containerised Open RAN platform for small cells, a major milestone in the evolution RAN equipment. 4G small cell design to provide indoor connectivity solution for business customers, and a more flexible upgrade plan as the needs of the business evolve.

18/11/2021 -Europe urged to act now to build Open RAN Ecosystem by Vodafone Technology News on Thu, November 18, 2021 · 6 min read
Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telecom Italia (TIM), Telefónica and Vodafone deliver five recommendations for building an Open RAN ecosystem for Europe.

10/11/2021 -Germany moves on €300M open RAN plan | by Chris Donkin at Mobile World Live on Wed, November 10, 2021 · 1 min read
Germany’s digital infrastructure ministry revealed the first projects to receive cash from a €300 million fund created to develop and test open RAN technology, with the country focused on the architecture’s use in industrial 5G networks.

26/10/2021 -Rakuten, Intel, Juniper team to simplify open RAN deployments by by Bevin Fletcher on Tue, October 26, 2021 · 2 min read
Rakuten Symphony teamed up with Intel and Juniper to develop a product aimed at easier O-RAN deployment and 4G, 5G densification, with less hardware needed per site.

26/10/2021 -VMware Paves the Way for Radio Access Network (RAN) Modernization by VM Ware News Release on Tue, October 26, 2021 · 7 min read
VMware (NYSE: VMW) announced several updates to its RAN portfolio of products and introduced VMware RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC). VMware RIC, along with VMware Telco Cloud Platform RAN, will help service providers smoothly transition to Open RAN.

25/10/2021 -COMSovereign delivers 5G O-RAN System to the National Institute of Standards and Technology ("NIST") Under 5G Cooperative Research and Development Agreement by Yahoofinance on Mon, October 25, 2021, 9:00 AM·5 min read
NIST Project to Evaluate Deployable 5G Systems for Next Generation of Mission Critical Broadband Networks

22/10/2021 -TIM adds to its Open RAN coverage with Saluzzo deployment | By Harry Baldock, Total Telecom Friday 22 October 21
The operator has been steadily expanding its Open RAN rollout over the course of this year, now claiming to have one of the widest coverage areas in Europe for the emerging technology

19/10/2021 -TIM E VIVO DEVERÃO LIDERAR ESTRATÉGIA OPEN RAN NO BRASIL por Carmen Nery da Tele-síntese
Telefónica faz RFP global, enquanto a TIM poderá ir às compras após comprovar nos testes do Inatel que OpenRAN tem melhor custo benefício que fornecedores atuais

12/10/2021 - ONF and Deutsche Telekom Demonstrate Fully Disaggregated Open RAN with Open RIC Platform - by ONF News
SD-RAN Berlin 4G/5G Trial integrates ONF SD-RAN’s RIC and eight participating vendors’ products for ongoing outdoor field trial

20/08/2021 - NEC, Fujitsu begin 5G base station O-RAN interoperability testing - By Juan Pedro Tomás at RCR Wirwlwss News e

22/09/2021 - MCTI prepara plataforma de OPEN RAN em parceria com a RNP - por Lúcia Berbert - Tele.síntese

12/07/2021 - Small Cell Forum neutral hosts propose Hosted Open RAN global framework

22/07/2021 - Open RAN adds to 6G dilemma - by Iain Morris at Light Reading

Ericsson CEO Börje Ekholm thinks open RAN will be integral to 6G

20/07/2021 - NTIA calls for global collaboration on open RAN - by Mobile World Live

The US National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) favoured international cooperation in support of open RAN, a stance which could be a setback for domestic companies asking the government to preference home-grown suppliers.

16/07/2021 -Vivo leva o OPEN RAN para sua rede nacional por Redação da Tele-síntese
Empresa vai usar a tecnologia DCSG da fornecedora Adva, desenvolvida em parceria com o Telecom Infra Project. Segundo a empresa, iniciativa reduzirá custos da implantação do 5G.
Nova tecnologia surtirá efeitos em diversos setores da economia mundial

06/07/2021 - Plataforma 5G é o foco de um dos projetos do CPQD contemplados pelo apoio do FUNTTEL

06/07/2021 - UK government launches competition to boost O-RAN adoption - by Juan Pedro Tomás at RCR Wireless News

25/06/2021 - Operators make progress with open RAN commercialisation - by GSMA Future Networks at 5G Digest | Latest News | Open RAN
24/06/2021 - O-RAN123RFUK launches new facility to test Open RAN - by Juan Pedro Tomás at RCR Wireless News

24/06/2021 - ONF Announces New SD-Fabric™ Project, an Open Source, Full Stack Programmable Network Fabric for Hybrid Cloud, Edge Cloud, 5G and Industrial IoT - by ONF

18/06/2021 -Open RAN Brasil: certificação deve ser global e não pela Anatel por Ana Paula Lobo e Pedro Costa da Convergência Digital
Recém-criada, a Open RAN Brasil, entidade que tem a participação de nove empresas, entre elas, a Qualcomm, se mobiliza para mostrar ao governo as melhores práticas para viabilizar uma transição para o Open RAN de forma mais rápida, conta o VP da Qualcomm no Brasil, Francisco Soares, e um dos responsáveis pela associação, ao participar do e-Fórum Open RAN 5G, realizado pela Network Eventos, em parceria com o portal Convergência Digital, em 17/06/2021.

17/06/2021 -BAIGORRI: NÃO HÁ MOTIVO PARA COLOCAR META DE OPEN RAN NO LEILÃO DO 5G por Rafael Bucco da Tele-síntese
Para conselheiro da Anatel, interesses do setor privado e do governo estão alinhados em relação à necessidade de criar redes 5G Open RAN a fim de diversificar fornecedores, reduzir custos e surfar a próxima onda oportunidades. Ele defende que governo deve fomentar em vez de intervir, a menos que os interesses se afastem.

16/06/2021 - PARA TÉCNICOS DA ANATEL, REGULAÇÃO DO OPEN RAN DEVE SER MÍNIMA por Rafael Bucco da Tele-síntese por Rafael Bucco da Tele-síntese
Para o superintendente de Outorga e Recursos à Prestação da Anatel, Vinícius Caram, a regulação a ser elaborada pela agência a respeito da Open RAN deverá ser mínima, a fim de não criar obstáculos à adoção da tecnologia no país. A seu ver, a chegada da 5G vai exigir muito mais das redes e mais equipamentos. Sua estimativa é que o número de sites das operadoras se multiplique por três.

16/06/2021 - Anatel quer realizar estudo sobre Open RAN com a academia - por Bruno Amaral da Teletime
16/06/2021 - 2ª Reunião GT- Open Ran ANATEL

18/04/2021 - US and Japan to invest $4.5bn in next-gen 6G race with China
Open-RAN to enable communication less dependent on 5G leaders like Huawei - by NIKKEI ASIA

02/04/2021 - Ericsson Opens Lab to Push Virtual 5G Cloud RAN - by John Waldo at EE|Times
11/02/2021 - Nokia e CPQD terão plataforma Open RAN para 5G brasileiro
20/01/2021 - Telefónica e outras gigantes europeias firmam pacto Open RAN por Henrique Julião da Teletime
27/10/2020 - CLARO estima OPENRAN maduro em 2021, mas vê desafios de integração por Carmen Nery da Tele-síntese
14/09/2020 - Ericsson Warns that Open RAN Compromises Security - by John Waldo at EE|Times
30/06/2020 - TIM organiza campus no Inatel para testes de fornecedores OpenRAN por Henrique Julião da Teletime
30/06/2020 - Vivo já realiza pilotos da tecnologia OpenRAN em Petrolina e Juazeiro por Henrique Julião da Teletime

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Report - Building an Open RAN ecosystem for Europe | by Deutsch Telecom, Orange, Telecom Italia (TIM), Telefónica, Vodafone - Nov 2021
This paper highlights the urgent need for Europe to make Open Radio Access Networks (RAN) a strategic priority. Europe's best opportunity to defend and grow its place in the global 5G and 6G industry lies with building a broad and deep Open RAN ecosystem.

Ebook - 5G & Beyond For Dummies®, Keysight Technologies Special Edition | by Larry Miller and Jessy Cavazos
Find out about 5G technologies and their associated challenges. Discover solutions available to address these challenges and ways you can create new opportunities for your organization

White Paper - Security for 5G - 2022
By 5G Anericas | On December 2021
This white paper addresses emerging challenges and opportunities, making recommendations for securing 5G networks in the context of the evolution to cloud-based and distributed networks: 3GPP security enhancements in 5G; 5G security considerations; Zero-trust networks; 3GPP Release 16 security enhancements; Security for 5G vertical segments, such as transportation, manufacturing, and critical infrastructure; and supply chain security; Open RAN security.

5g americas - Security for 5G White Paper Logo 5g americas
Relatório - 1º Relatório parcial de acompanhamento e avaliação da evolução de OpenRAN – Mapeamento
Recursos à Prestação


Framework Proposal - Neutral Host Requirements: Pt 1 Architectures
Globally, regions are homing-in on hosting frameworks which fit with the specifics of their markets – for example, CBRS/OnGo in the US and JOTS NHIB in the UK. To avoid fragmentation and ensure best practice, SCF neutral hosts are proposing a global framework around these approaches called Hosted Open RAN. This will provide a flexible and modular approach to hosting to meet different MNO needs, while reducing complexity for neutral hosts to lower costs and enable scale.

e-book - Understanding 5G: A Practical Guide to Deploying and Maintaining 5G Networks - by Viavi.
Updated with new O-RAN content to give you the how and why of 5G network deployment and operation.

FCC Public Draft - FCC FACT SHEET - Promoting the Deployment of 5G Open Radio Access Networks - GN Docket No. 21-63 - 24/02/2021
FCC Public Draft - Massive MIMO Networks: Spectral, Energy, and Hardware Efficiency
By Emil Björnson, Jakob Hoydis and Luca Sanguinetti | now Publishers Inc., | 2017


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O rol de eventos aqui apresentados tem caráter informativo. A oferta e realização é de responsabilidade de seus organizadores e promotores.

15DEZ2022 - Primeiro Workshop Open 5G @Campinas
Este encontro online busca promover interação entre os diversos atores do ecossistema de inovação 5G, apresentando projetos existentes em andamento abertos a colaboração e Identificando novos projetos.
O Open 5G@Campinas é uma Iniciativa colaborativa para pesquisa, desenvolvimento, experimentação e inovação em tecnologias e aplicações de 5G para: Educação, Indústria, Agro, Saúde e Cidades.

>>> Inscrição <<<

13JUN2022 - Open 5G @ Campinas: Acelerando a Transformação Digital dos negócios e da sociedade
Uma iniciativa colaborativa e aberta voltada à pesquisa, desenvolvimento, experimentação e inovação em tecnologias e aplicações 5G. Essa é a proposta do Open 5G @ Campinas, movimento que está sendo lançado na cidade de Campinas, no interior de São Paulo, com a intenção de inspirar outras regiões do país e impulsionar o ecossistema brasileiro de inovação voltado à tecnologia 5G.

>>>> Live - 13JUN2022 - 17:00 horas - Canal do CPqD no Youtube <<<<

>>>> Replay <<<<

NOV2021 - Advancing Open-RAN: Research, Standards, and Deployment
Open RAN (O-RAN) technology is enabling innovation across applications, including virtualization, software-defined networking, and separation of control plane and user plane. This will enable the dis-aggregation of networks. To incubate new O-RAN standards and related products and services and complement existing industry efforts, IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) launched a new Industry Connections (IC) activity to develop a sustainable framework addressing the deployment, interoperability, configuration and fault management, and performance issues of the O-RAN architecture. Bringing key players across the world from industry, academia, and government, this webinar explores ways to accelerate research, development, and deployment of O-RAN to support the telecommunications industry and beyond.

28SEP2021 - Open RAN 2021 LATAM Web Series - Episódio #2

Disponível On Demand

08 and 09SEP2021 - Open RAN Summit - Free Virtual Event by Fierce Wireless
Summit Fierce Open RAN Summit covered the A-to-Z of ORAN, from recent deployment news and trial results, to the efforts being carried out by policy makers and the industry itself to open up the vendor pool. Whilst analyst predictions for ORAN’s market size varies greatly from 3 to 25 billion, one thing is clear: you cannot miss out on this next big thing.


26AGO2021 - 5G Open RAN Deployment
Open RAN is a way to build and operate low-cost, scalable and programmable radio infrastructure. Most of the commercial open RAN networks to date have focused on 4G, 5G introduces performance requirements that demand a fresh approach to system design and deployment. Speakers: Manish Mangal, Global business Head - Network Services, Tech Mahindra; Gabriel Brown, Senior Principal Analyst – Mobile Networks & 5G, Heavy Reading; Adnan Boustany, Director, Wireless Access Business Unit, Intel Corporation; Anil Bhandari, Vice President of Product Management, Altiostar


16 e 17 AGO2021 - 22° Workshop da RNP
Workshop promovido pela Rede Nacional de Pesquisa (RNP), abordando diferentes assuntos: pesquisa experimental em redes de computadores e a Internet do Futuro; laboratórios virtuais e plataformas para experimentação; infraestruturas definidas por software (SDI / SDN); virtualização de funções de rede (NFVs); computação em nuvem e de borda (Edge Computing); telco clouds; gestão de identidades digitais; computação e transmissão intensiva de dados para aplicações de e-ciência; medição e monitoração de redes; aplicações para redes de 100 Gb/s; tecnologias para redes ópticas; redes ópticas elásticas e abertas (desagregação e whiteboxes); redes 5G/6G; Internet das Coisas (IoT); quantum networking; Cibersegurança; blockchain; telemedicina; telepresença e videocolaboração; dados abertos em redes de computadores e ciência da computação; e inovação e empreendedorismo em aplicações de internet.

* Inscrição gratuita

* Programação

* Painel OpenRAN
16/08/2021 Palco A 15:30 - 16:00 Sessão VIII - P&D em OpenRAN: Oportunidades de pesquisa, desafios e importância para o Brasil

RESUMO: Este painel discutirá sobre a tecnologia OpenRAN que vem sendo adotada nas novas gerações de redes móveis. O foco do painel será nas oportunidades que esta tecnologia traz para a área de pesquisa no Brasil, assim como os desafios a serem enfrentados pela comunidade de redes sem fio. Moderador: José Rezende (RNP) Palestrantes: José Marcos Camara Brito (INATEL); Gustavo Correa (CPqD), Christiano Both (UNISINOS).

29JUL2021 - SEMINÁRIO 5G e IoT na prática, status internacional

Seminário, promovido pelo CPqD e pelo Fórum Brasileiro de Internet das Coisas, com a participação de especialistas de países que já têm redes operando em áreas estratégicas.

* Data: quinta-feira, 29/07
* Horário: 11:00h às 12h30

* Relatos de experiências americanas, alemãs e chinesas de forma abrangente e estratégica.

* Moderador: Gustavo C.Lima, MsC (CPqD).

* Palestrantes:
- Virgilio Fiorese (VICO) - implantação de redes 5G nas áreas rurais nos EUA;
- Dr.-Ing. David Domingos - uso dessa tecnologia na indústria 4.0 alemã;
- PhD. Ren Haiying - experiência conduzida no país com o 5G na área de saúde e no enfrentamento da COVID-19.

* Mais informações:

* Inscrições gratuitas (encerradas):

* Replay do Seminário 5G e IoT na prática, status internacional

   - Abertura (Gabriel Marão - Forum Brasileiro de IoT e Gustavo Correa Lima - CPqD)

   - Implantação de redes 5G nas áreas rurais nos EUA (Virgilio Fiorese - MAVENIR)

   - 5G as enabling technology for Industrie 4.0 (Dr.Ing. David Domingos - Fraunhofer IPK)

   - Experiência de uso do 5G no setor de saúde na China (PhD. Ren Haiying - CAICT)

26 a 30JUL2021 - FIB 11 - FÓRUM da Internet no Brasil
O Fórum da Internet no Brasil (FIB) e Pré-IGF Brasileiro, promovido anualmente pelo Comitê Gestor da Internet no Brasil ( desde 2011, consiste em atividade preparatória para o Fórum de Governança da Internet (IGF), evento global promovido pela Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU). Por meio do FIB, o busca incentivar representantes dos setores que o compõem a acompanharem, opinarem e debaterem sobre as questões mais relevantes para a consolidação e expansão de uma Internet no Brasil cada vez mais diversa, universal e inovadora, que expresse os princípios da liberdade, dos direitos humanos e da privacidade, de acordo com o decálogo de Princípios para a Governança e Uso da Internet.

* Programação

* Inscrição gratuita

14 e 15JUL2021 - FCC Announces Open RAN Solutions Showcase

      Day 1       Day 2
02JUL2021 - Open RAN 2021 LATAM Web Series

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Vídeo - On Demand Webinar - 5G Realised: The Open Telco and Open RAN: Diversifying the Telecoms Supply Chain

In this on-demand panel discussion from the 5G Realised UK event, Mavenir’s Stefano Cantarelli, EVP & CMO, shares key insights on “The Open Telco & Open RAN: Diversifying the Telecoms Supply Chain.”: driving interoperability and integration of ORAN; SmartRAN Open Network Interoperability Centre (SONIC); Telecom Infra Project – Open RAN; Additional work needed for Open RAN; other options available alongside ORAN; small cells; and urban high capacity environment Security.

Vídeo - Open RAN The Next Step – John Baker MWC
Keynote speaking: Watch the session at Mobile World Congress (MWC22): Open RAN, the Next Step, as Mavenir’s John Baker addresses Open RAN, the progress made, and the future.

Vídeo - An Introduction to the Open RAN Concept by Parallel Wireless

Vídeo - Open RAN Terminology by Parallel Wireless

Vídeo - Open RAN and the Power of Automation - 04/08/2021

    (1) Mobile Network Operators (MNOS) are facing 3 keys challenges
    (2) What operators wants
    (3) Open Ran benefits
    (4) Open Ran: disagreggating hardware and software
    (5) Key pillars of Open Ran
    (6) Function lifecycle management evolution
    (7) Open Ran Network deployment model
    (8) Automated Orchestration & Management is key
    (9) Stages of network to automate
    (10) Cloud automation
     (11) Zero Touching Provisioning (ZTP)
    (12) OPEX Redution with automation - CI/CD
    (13) Cloud native Open Ran solution

Vídeo - Reducing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) with Open RAN - 19/08/2021

Vídeo - Hosted Open RAN - a global framework for neutral host networks - 21/07/2021

Vídeo - Open RAN Solutions Showcase – Day 2 - 15/07/2021

Vídeo - Open RAN Solutions Showcase – Day 1 - 14/07/2021

Vídeo - e-Fórum OpenRAN - Redes abertas no ambiente 5G - 17/06/2021
Audiência Pública Extraordinária (virtual) - 13/04/2021
Tema:Aspectos mercadológicos, segurança, infraestrutura e equipamentos

   Francisco Giacomini Soares (Qualcomm)

   Gustavo Correa Lima (CPqD)

Vídeo - Omdia Webinar: The Sudden Rise of Open RAN - 2020

Vídeo - FCC - Forum on 5G Open Radio Access Networks - 14SET2020

ARTIGOS (Papers) E LEITURAS (Readings)
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Article - Is Open RAN Too Little, Too Late for 5G?
By Matt Kapko, Senior Editor | sdxcentral | November 26, 2021 10:00 AM

White Paper - Security in Open RAN - by ALIOSTAR

White Paper - ONF’s Software-Defined RAN Platform Consistent with the O-RAN Architecture - Executive Summary - by ONF

Artigo - An Overview of O-RAN Architecture - by Zahid Ghadialy, Senior Director, Technology & Innovation Strategy at Parallel Wireless (23/06/2021)

Paper - A Perspective of O-RAN Integration with MEC, SON, and Network Slicing in the 5G Era by Chih-Lin I; Sławomir Kuklinskí and Tao Chen at IEEE Explorer (IEEE Networks, Vol.34, Issue 6)
White Paper - The Open Road to 5G - by Samsung

Conceito - What is the difference between Traditional RAN and Open RAN?

Artigo - Securing 5G: What’s the role of open RAN? - by Sean Kinney at RCRWirelessNews

Artigo - Entendo o OpenRAN - a integração da tecnologia: Desafios, Oportunidades e Exemplos de Implantação - por Eugina Jordan da Parallel Wireless
Integração do OpenRAN Parte 1: Desafios, Oportunidades e Exemplos de Implantação

Artigo - Entendo o OpenRAN - por Eugina Jordan da Parallel Wireless
Integração Parte 2: Estágios e Modelos de Integração

Artigo - Splits funcionais Open RAN: explicação - por Eugina Jordan da Parallel Wireless
As redes de acesso ao Open RAN oferecem a opção de colocar funções de rede em diferentes locais ao longo do caminho do sinal. Essa opção é chamada de split funcional RAN e permite que as operadoras móveis otimizem o desempenho e façam compensações. É também a fundação do Open RAN.

Post - Open RAN and O-RAN in Brief - by Timo Jokiaho at RedHat Blog

Artigo - Security considerations of Open RAN
Ensuring network radio systems are open, interoperable, and secure by design - by Jason S. Boswell and Scott Poretsky at Ericsson Telecom security for a connected world

Artigo - Understanding 3GPP – starting with the basics by Lorenzo Casaccia Vice President of Technical Standards, Qualcomm Europe, Inc. 02/08/2017
Getting to know the organization and complex working procedures of the global standards body for 4G and 5G technologies is key.

Artigo - What is RIC? / Non-RT RIC - by Abhijeet Kumar 20/08/2017
In this article is discussed the Non-RT RIC (Non-Real Time RAN Intelligent Controller).

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Blog - The Qualcomm onQ Blog.

Blog - The Ericsson Blog. Technology, innovation and business.

Blog - The Open RAN Educational Blogs - Parallel Wireless

Blog - O-RAN Blog - CafeTele

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Infográfico - OpenRAN at a glance - by Telecom Infra Project

Infográfico - What is Open RAN - by Open RAN Policy Coalition

Infográfico Interativo - What is Open RAN? - by Parallel Wireless

Infográfico - Cinco dicas para o sucesso do Open RAN - Red Hat

Infográfico - Open RAN by the numbers - by Mavenir

Infográfico - Openran Changes the Economics of Ran Infrastructure - by Mavenir

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TIP - The Telecom Infra Project (TIP) is a global community of companies and organizations that are driving infrastructure solutions to advance global connectivity. Half of the world’s population is still not connected to the internet, and for those who are, connectivity is often insufficient. This limits access to the multitude of consumer and commercial benefits provided by the internet, thereby impacting GDP growth globally. However, a lack of flexibility in the current solutions – exacerbated by a limited choice in technology providers – makes it challenging for operators to efficiently build and upgrade networks.

o-ran - O-RAN ALLIANCE’s mission is to re-shape the RAN industry towards more intelligent, open, virtualised and fully interoperable mobile networks. The new O-RAN standards will enable a more competitive and vibrant RAN supplier ecosystem with faster innovation to improve user experience. O-RAN based mobile networks will at the same time improve the efficiency of RAN deployments as well as operations by the mobile operators.
O-RAN ALLIANCE is transforming the Radio Access Networks Industry towards Open, Intelligent, Virtualized and Fully Interoperable RAN .

ONF - The Open Networking Foundation (ONF) is a non-profit operator led consortium driving transformation of network infrastructure and carrier business models through applied research, development, advocacy, and education.
It is an open, collaborative, community of communities. The ONF serves as the umbrella for a number of projects building solutions by leveraging network disaggregation, white box economics, open source software and software defined standards to revolutionize the carrier industry.

ORPC - The Open RAN Policy Coalition is a group of companies formed to promote policies that will advance the adoption of open and interoperable solutions in the Radio Access Network (RAN) as a means to create innovation, spur competition and expand the supply chain for advanced wireless technologies including 5G.

LF - LF Networking software and projects provide platforms and building blocks for Network Infrastructure and Services across Service Providers, Cloud Providers, Enterprises, Vendors, and System Integrators that enable rapid interoperability, deployment, and adoption.

OpenROADM - The Open ROADM Multi-Source Agreement (MSA) defines interoperability specifications for Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexers (ROADM).
Included are the ROADM switch as well as transponders and pluggable optics. Specifications consist of both Optical interoperability as well as YANG data models.

SCF - SCF is accelerating small cell deployments, removing commercial and technical barriers, working with regulators and municipalities, partnering enterprise, forging new business cases. SCF advocates for small cells. Much of the time this work involves communicating with regulatory authorities to enable deployment or open standards. But sometimes SCF is asked to simply inform. Its documents in collaboration with GSMA and MWF on the science behind RF exposure and health are one such example.

Linux Foundation - Helping open technology projects build world class open source software, communities and companies.

ONAP - ONAP is a comprehensive platform for orchestration, management, and automation of network and edge computing services for network operators, cloud providers, and enterprises. Real-time, policy-driven orchestration and automation of physical and virtual network functions enables rapid automation of new services and complete lifecycle management critical for 5G and next-generation networks.

O GT Open RAN tem como objetivo acompanhamento e avaliação da evolução da tecnologia de Rede Aberta de Acesso via Rádio a fim de subsidiar o desenho da próxima Agenda Regulatória da Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (ANATEL).

OnGo ALLIANCE - The OnGo Alliance is a coalition of 185+ member companies, including mobile operators, cable operators, managed service providers (MSPs), mobile virtual network operators, enterprises and more. The mission of the OnGo Alliance is to evangelize 4G and 5G OnGo technology, use cases and business opportunities while simultaneously driving technology developments necessary to fulfill the mission, including multi-operator capabilities. The Alliance also established an effective product certification program for OnGo equipment in the U.S. 3.5 GHz band ensuring multi-vendor interoperability.

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GEOPOLÍTICA 20/07/2021 - OpenRAN: o novo capítulo da guerra fria da globalização e do poder no 5G
HISTÓRIA 20/07/2021 - A brief history of Open RAN - by Peter Claydon (President of Picocom) at TechUK
GEOPOLÍTICA 15/06/2020 - Can Telephones Race? 5G and the Evolution of Telecom
Part I

MERCADO 02/07/2021 - Open RAN: banimento da Huawei no 5G respinga para Nokia e Ericsson